Thursday, November 10, 2016

How Those Land Impact Increases Impact You


How Those Land Impact Increases Impact You

Last week we rolled out some exciting changes to Mainland Regions and Linden Homes -- major increases to Land Impact - and that means more prims to play with! There were some questions about what exactly that means.

One of the questions that came up frequently was how these changes would impact mainland use fees. The answer is: they do not! With these Mainland Region and Linden Home Land Impact increases, the only thing we are adjusting is Land Impact (the number of prims) available to those regions and homes.

Another question was if and when Private Estate Regions would see increases as well. The answer is YES -  and soon! We are currently keeping a close eye on performance on the Mainland Regions, and plan to roll out Land Impact increases to Private Estate Regions in the next few months.  Our intent is to increase all private regions to 20,000 for the full islands, 5,000 for homesteads and 1,000 for Openspace Regions at no additional charge to region owners. There will also be an option to upgrade to a total of 30,000 Land Impact for a nominal conversion fee and a monthly maintenance fee.  This should happen within the next couple of months.

This chart shows the details of the changes that have been made to Mainland Regions and Linden Homes, and changes that are coming to Private Estate Regions in the near future.


Patch Linden spoke to Designing Worlds about the changes, which you can catch on our Official YouTube Channel here.

You might be wondering, “ Fantastic! But, what will I do with all this leftover Land Impact allowance?” We have some suggestions. This increase is one of the ways that we're hoping to give content creators more room to create optimized, performant content.  You’ve probably seen content that’s taking one Level of Detail and applying it to the other layers, which results in a higher level of detail than is really available to lower level machines.  Maybe you saw it go from a blob to its intended shape - that's usually caused by not having all the different levels of detail, (or possibly having your Level Of Detail in your viewer on a lower setting).  We know that multiple levels of detail on an object costs additional Land Impact and we’re hoping to offset some of that with this increase. Of course, you’re free to do what you chose with these new limits!

We’re excited and pleased to be bringing you these changes.  Happy decorating!



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