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Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Fallen Gods Sidera Starborn Female Skin
NoCruel Audrey Mesh Hair
Dae only!
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[PixelSteam] Eye Pack
A selection of eyes.
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Enhanced Skeleton (Project Bento)
Enhanced Skeleton (Project Bento)
Note: Because Project Bento makes changes to the Second Life avatar skeleton, some avatars (specifically, those using the new joints, bones, and animations allowed by Project Bento) will appear to be distorted or "bunched up" to Residents who are not running the Project Bento Release Candidate Viewer. This is expected during the Release Candidate period and will be resolved once Project Bento leaves Release Candidate status. If you are running the Release Candidate Viewer and still observe a distorted avatar, you can reset your view of the avatar's skeleton by right-clicking the avatar and choosing Reset Skeleton. This resets the skeleton for you only; other Residents in the area (including the distorted avatar) will see no change. |
What is Project Bento?
Project Bento is an extension to the existing avatar skeleton to include many new bones, joints, and attachment points. These new bones support rigging and animation to provide the opportunity for a much wider range of avatar body types, facial expressions, and animations than is currently possible in Second Life.
The "classic" (default) Second Life avatar is not changing with the introduction of Project Bento, and all the existing joints in the avatar skeleton have not been altered. This means that all existing avatars and attachments will continue to function as designed and will not need to be updated. However, new mesh avatars and mesh attachments may take full advantage of the new joints and attachment points.
New bones, joints, and attachment points
A full listing of the new bones and attachment points can be found in the Project Bento Skeleton Guide on the Second Life wiki.
A summary of the new bones and attachment points:
- New limb bones - For wings, additional arms, or extra legs.
- Tail bones - Include your tail in avatar animations.
- New hand bones - For finer control over hand animations.
- New face bones - For complex facial expressions, and animating ears and antennae
- New attachment points - Associated with the new bones. Accessorize your new limbs!
Getting started with Project Bento
To get started, you need to download and install the Project Bento Release Candidate Viewer from the Alternate Viewers page on the Second Life Wiki.
Third-Party Viewer support for Project Bento will not be available until after Project Bento leaves Release Candidate status and is fully released.
Once installed, log into Second Life to upload and test content with the extended avatar skeleton.
Tip: To see an avatar's bones in the Second Life Viewer, you can use a new option in the Develop menu: Develop > Avatar > Show Bones. |
Creating content for Project Bento
Creating content for Project Bento is very similar to the current process for creating rigged mesh content. With the addition of more joints, there are some new limitations and differences:
Creating mesh content
As with all mesh content in Second Life, meshes for Project Bento must be created in an external modeling program such as Maya or Blender. These meshes must be exported as Collada (.dae) files for upload into Second Life.
Meshes may be rigged to any of the bones or collision volumes of the avatar skeleton, but may not be rigged to attachment points. Meshes may be rigged to a maximum of 110 joints; this is less than the total number of joints in the new extended avatar skeleton, so you must make sure that your mesh does not list more joints than you are actually weighting to. If you need to rig to more than 110 joints, you need to model in more than one piece such that each piece does not exceed the limit.
Meshes may include overrides for the positions of some or all of the included joints to change the shape of the avatar. If you are wearing multiple meshes with different joint position overrides, only one of the meshes is chosen to provide the value for the joint offset. To minimize conflicts, define only as many joint position overrides as you need for each mesh.
When uploading, you can choose whether to apply available skin weights and joint position overrides to the uploaded mesh. If skin weight or joint position override information is missing or invalid, these options are ignored.
Creating animations
Creating animations for the new skeleton in Project Bento is very similar to the process for creating animations for existing avatars, with more joints and a few limitations:
- Animations may be uploaded in .bvh or .anim formats
- Animations can be applied only to recognized avatar joints and attachment points, which are defined in "avatar_skeleton.xml". We suggest leaving attachment points unmodified, except for a mesh override so non-rigged attachments will behave as expected.
- The total size of uploaded animations cannot exceed 120kb
For additional information on creating and uploading animations for Second Life, see our Knowledge Base article and our community-maintained wiki page on How to create animations.
Frequently asked questions
What do I need in order to use the new joints?
Project Bento is currently available on the main Second Life grid (Agni) using the Project Bento Release Candidate Viewer.
What kind of content can take advantage of the new joints?
Mesh avatars and mesh attachments may take advantage of the new joints, and newly uploaded animations are able to move them.
I am using a classic (non-mesh) avatar. Can I use the new joints?
Classic avatars themselves do not use the new joints, but the joints are available for use by attachments. This means that while classic avatars can't suddenly grow extra limbs or use complex facial animation, they can wear mesh-based attachments that use the new joints and animations, such as wings, tails, or even animated masks.
How will Project Bento affect my old content?
Project Bento does not affect any existing content in Second Life. All existing avatars and animations should continue to function as they were designed.
What are the system requirements for Project Bento?
Some older graphics cards and drivers may encounter difficulty rendering the increased number of joints, and you may experience a change in framerate as a result. If possible, upgrade your OS or driver to the latest version.
What features are available to help troubleshoot issues with my avatar skeleton?
The Second Life Viewer includes some tools to help troubleshoot or fix problems you may encounter with avatar skeletons.
Show Bones
You can view avatar bones by selecting Develop > Avatar > Show Bones from the top menu bar. If you cannot see the Develop menu, you can enable it by checking Show Develop Menu under the Advanced tab of the Preferences window.
While enabled, the Show Bones feature shows avatar bones as colored lines:
- Red - If there is a joint position defined for the bone.
- Cyan - If the bone is rigged to at least one mesh.
- Green - In all other cases.
Note that the Show Bones feature can negatively impact the performance of the Second Life viewer and is not intended for routine use.
Reset Skeleton
When something has gone wrong with an avatar's skeleton or animations, you can reset the avatar's skeleton by right-clicking the avatar and selecting either Reset Skeleton or Reset Skeleton And Animations.
Choosing Reset Skeleton restores the avatar to its correct state by resetting it to its default position, then applying the appropriate sliders and joint positions.
Choosing Reset Skeleton And Animations resets the avatar's skeleton as described above, and also resets the avatar's animations. When applied to another Resident's avatar, this resets the state of their active animations but does not stop them; no changes will be visible to other Residents. When applied to your own avatar, all animations on your avatar are stopped, and other Residents are able to see the change.
Note that Reset Skeleton and Reset Skeleton And Animations affects only your Second Life Viewer and do not affect other Residents (with the exception of stopping animations on your own avatar).
More information about Project Bento
Follow the discussion on our Creation Forum, or read our initial announcement on the Second Life Blog.
For more detailed information on how to test Project Bento and provide feedback, please see Project Bento Testing on the Second Life Wiki.
A full list of the new bones and attachment points introduced with Project Bento can be found on the Second Life Wiki, in BentoSkeletonGuide.
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Im new to this forum,AND can't access any subject at forum,or whatever its called
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
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Flickr of the Day: Pics from New "space" Virtual World
Flickr of the Day: Pics from New "space" Virtual World
Flickr of the Day: Pics from New "space" Virtual World
You've read about "space", the new cross-platform virtual world from Second Life alum, now here's the official Flickr pool where you'll find pics like this, a new area that lead developer Adam Zaius/Frisby built, he tells me, last Sunday afternoon. "I didn't make all the parts though," he allows, "it was more of a assembly job than 100% original work."
Still, pretty impressive, no? Compare and contrast with this Sansar space also built in a few hours.
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Monday, November 28, 2016
$50,000 Startup Challenge for Women in VR & AR
$50,000 Startup Challenge for Women in VR & AR
Great challenge for VR/AR developers who have at least one woman as a co-founder:
The Challenge, in partnership with Craig Newmark of craigslist, the Craig Newmark Foundation, and sponsored in part by Fred and Joanne Wilson, will award $50,000 in cash and other startup friendly services at Google in NYC on February 15, 2017. (Prizes subject to change.) Startups in the AI, AR, and VR field with at least one woman Cofounder can apply to this challenge. The 10 best applicants will be selected to pitch their startup on stage in front of our distinguished judging panel of investors and hundreds of attendees at Google in New York City on February 15, 2017.
The only hitch: Submission deadline is December 12, so if you're interested in applying, better start soon.
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Cobra World : An Invitation to A Motorcycle Club - Seersha Heart
Cobra World : An Invitation to A Motorcycle Club - Seersha Heart
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Addams - Chel Boots - UNISEX UNRIGGED
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
New World Notes' Thanksgiving Weekend Open Forum
New World Notes' Thanksgiving Weekend Open Forum
Building Alone? If social capital exists from communing and doing things together, like some of the old prim building speed build competitions or just hanging out building in the sand boxes of yore in SL, then what would people like to have in a cooperative building environment?
EDIT: No edit on this, sorry the punctuation and spelling is suspect in this bit) but just a thought and not intending for anything to come of it. A "why not" moment as I read about social capital in another tab .
Prims are maybe not enough, possibly a mesh to prim conversion that ends up with vertex, face and edge manipulation would be nifty. NURBS would be the easiest, turbosplines seem to have a nice system. Not saying license it, but an example of NURBS and other easy to manipulate and create systems. The idea is easy and yet powerful.
I remember a project called "Smooth Teddy" that was use by a Japanese professor. Archipeligo designer (or was it another name?) and Smoothie-3D may offer something similarly easy to use. They use drawing or strokes etc. to help people make shapes easily. Some like Sketchup for instance, many users have used it. It was free and seemed fun to use for many people and gained a following with a different, well less real-time or hangout-ish, community. If building, sharing and looking at models exists then maybe a very similar tool would be a great addition to a virtual world/reality environ?
Also, some get upset and may say Sansar wouldn't do it or SL isn't the sames without prims as the main building system and yet non jumped on the lucrative (hey, social capital lucrative at least if not financially so?) opportunity to find a replacement. I think even Blender has a link thing where two or so people can share the environment and work on something. That may require levels of trust quasi-anonymous places don't have but something similar may work. Don't bloggers already sort of do this when they all share a challange? They are kind of reaching out beyond, community activity and a connection is made. Maybe this isn't social capital as people see in world environment sharing but shows the spirit and will is there. Intent converts to action when tools and channels are provided? Build it and they will build in it?
Just designing spaces is fun and creative, so maybe modeling doesn't have to be there for creative spaces to provide a means for people to commune and build. So, the future is maybe good for social capital in the virtual reality that will contain worlds. World building is creative, and if the world provides means for non world creators to impress and express and leave a mark maybe things will be even better? Either way, some really do miss the prim building and safety to experiment (regardless of early works that where proclaimed great art, Starax's works for instance) and create together.
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
Preparations for Christmas begin in Second Life: – Camury Reporting
Preparations for Christmas begin in Second Life: – Camury Reporting
Christmas tree
Store: Real Waves ™ Tropical Beach foam landscaping Christmas decoration
Store: La Galleria Houses, Kitchens, Furniture
Xmas fireplace gift
Store: Luxi&Style
Have fun, with a 5 Christmas tree color change gift. Included In This Pack: 5 Christmas trees with color change. For free!
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Friday, November 25, 2016
Darkness rises at Suicide Dollz from 1PM SLT Nov 20 - 1PM SLT Dec 2.
Darkness rises at Suicide Dollz from 1PM SLT Nov 20 - 1PM SLT Dec 2.
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Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide 11/25/2016
Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide 11/25/2016
For those of you who are knee deep in Thanksgiving leftovers, we’ve gathered a sample platter of some of the coolest new spots to hit Second Life. Treat yourself to a taste of some no-carb, fat, gluten, and lactose free, vegan delights, courtesy of the Destination Guide!
For the rest of you who aren’t suffering from a turkey coma, there’s still plenty to enjoy and explore. Tons of snow-packed wintery wonderlands await!
Don’t forget to share pics to the official Second Life Flickr. You are bound to come across something spectacular to share!
We’re always looking for new events and places to add to the guide, but If your piece of the grid isn’t there yet, please submit it!
Snowy Islands
Snowy Islands is a winter place to walk and discover. Travel the paths within this discreet place especially made for lovers and rediscover the joys of winter with friends.
Visit in Second Life
Christmas with Snuggles
Snuggles celebrates Christmas and the winter season! Visit over the holidays for a huge selection of decorations and the perfect Christmas gifts.
Visit in Second Life
Aphrodite Winter Christmas Market
Come visit this winter, Thanksgiving and Christmas market, where you may find everything you may wish for your home or gifts for your loved ones this season!
Visit in Second Life
Gathering Mysts Winter Village
Celebrate the holidays at Gathering Mysts Winter Village. Winter fun activities include a scenic train ride, shopping, skiing, ice skating a reindeer sleigh tour and more! Don't miss Santa's toy house with all nine reindeer.
Visit in Second Life
Haunted Silent Peacock Hotel
Winter has arrived at the Haunted Silent Peacock Hotel. Miss Penny Peacock inherited the hotel from the passing of her grandfather. Fall has now past and winter is upon us. Yet still the ghosts remain. Explore and you may encounter live actors randomly throughout the day.
Visit in Second Life
Coming Home For Christmas
Seasons Greetings! It's that time of the year when we make our way home for Christmas. Drop by for a visit and enjoy the scenery.
Visit in Second Life
Welcome to Dachstein West
Surrounded by the Upper Austrian Alps and located at 1650 m, the idyllic mountain village Zwieselalm belongs to the municipality of Gosau. Whether summer or winter, this small village invites you to escape for hiking and relaxing. Enjoy the great outdoors of the mountains or visit the inn of the Miller family, which is open from sunrise to sunset.
Visit in Second Life
Let it Snow!
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Visit in Second Life
A post-apocalypse compound cut off from civilization after a nuclear fallout. There is much to explore. Hang-out in the container yard with friends while playing games or traversing the ropes. Listen to music at the open stage. Lots of photography opportunities and hidden places to discover.
Visit in Second Life
Breck's is a sophisticated club with deejays that offer you blues, jazz and romance. Listen to the music and enjoy the romance near the waterfalls then play board games and have some laughter with your friends new and old. You can also shop LUXE Paris or sail the open waters.
Visit in Second Life
Baroque Dreams
Haveit Neox presents Baroque Dreams, his latest 3D artpiece that will make it's debut this month and will be the featured location for a special artistic fashion show, featuring the designs of Lyrical Bizarre. Event ends Nov 30.
Visit in Second Life
Hoshiyama is a Japanese Sengoku-era roleplay sim for adults that is set in the mysterious land of ancient Japan and hidden high in the mountains.
Visit in Second Life
Antiquity is a light RP estate set in the mid-1700s to the late Victorian era combining the elegance and sophistication of that time with the roughness of that past. It is home to beautiful architecture, including a noteworthy historical reproduction of 19th century Buckingham House (later Palace), themed historical areas, several historical royal courts…and pirates. Antiquity, a life like no other.
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Club Simple Paradise
One good thing about music: when it hits you, you feel no pain.
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