Saturday, October 22, 2016

Here is the GeekSpeak subject for Saturday October 22nd at 12pm SLT


Here is the GeekSpeak subject for Saturday October 22nd at 12pm SLT

GeekSpeak – the great ape project.  Should great apes be given human rights?

We accept that all humans should have certain rights simply because they are human.  Should those rights, or some of them, be given to members of other species?  We are not allowed to buy, sell or own humans. Is it acceptable to own chimpanzees or gorillas?  Killing a human being is murder.  Should people who kill chimpanzees be tried for murder?

Which species should be given rights?  Why should chimpanzees be given ‘human’ rights simply because they are very like us while other intelligent species, such as whales, elephants or octopi, have no rights?  If some animals are to be considered persons while other animals are objects, where should the line be drawn?

How would we deal with great apes that kill humans or other apes?  Should they be killed or put on trial?

What would the world be like if nonhuman species had human rights?  Or do you think that human rights should only be given to humans?
Join us at GeekSpeak to discuss animal/human rights. IM Kathen Ohtobide if you need a teleport.


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