Yes, this was made in response to a friend complaining This script provides a local-time clock in your HUD, but can also be set to warn you when you've either played SL too much or you're playing at certain forbidden times. It also can share local timezone times between users.This was on sale for a little while, but for some reason people seem to be reluctant to pay for something which tells them not to play SL. With retrospect, I probably should have been able to work that one out myself. The object requires three prims linked together, which can just be basic cubes. This script should be in the root:
PHP Code:
integer isOpen = TRUE;
integer unixTime;
integer timezoneAdjust;
integer secs;
integer mins;
integer hours;
integer days;
integer years;
integer minsSinceDay;
integer notecardState;
integer notecardLine;
integer notecardSize;
integer todayBase;
vector dockedPosition;
list bedStart;
list bedEnd;
list workStart;
list workEnd;
list maxtime;
integer timeSinceReset;
integer closeReason;
list dayNames = ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"];
integer dayOfWeek;
integer updateStartTime;
integer updateEndTime;
list updateDays = [];
integer lastWasSelector;
integer lastSeenTime;
// For bedtimes, because they are weird, we use full UNIX timestamps instead of minssinceday.
// Toomuch = d847c272-54c0-392e-58c7-7e0791315a9f
// Toolate = 1c1ff2e5-e6bc-db1b-8d56-1078eda40562
// Working = 2af56d7b-e6d6-f3bb-bf22-e1d221c5d53b
open(key warntexture)
dockedPosition = llGetLocalPos();
isOpen = TRUE;
isOpen = FALSE;
// If sleep time is in the morning, it's actually for the next day.
// (If we say "I go to bed on Monday at 1am", it's actually Tuesday when we go to bed.)
integer realSleepTime(integer sleepTime, integer wakeTime, integer dayAdjust)
integer realSleepTime = todayBase + (sleepTime * 60) + (dayAdjust * 86400);
if (sleepTime 720) realSleepTime += 86400;
return realSleepTime;
// Assume wake time is the first time it is that hour after sleep time.
integer realWakeTime(integer sleepTime, integer wakeTime, integer dayAdjust)
if (sleepTime == ERR_GENERIC) return -1;
integer realSleepTime = todayBase + (sleepTime * 60) + (dayAdjust * 86400);
integer realWakeTime = todayBase + (wakeTime * 60) + (dayAdjust * 86400);
if (sleepTime 720) realSleepTime += 86400;
if (realWakeTime realSleepTime) realWakeTime += 86400;
return realWakeTime;
considerResetting(integer lastSeenTime,integer unixTime)
// When do we reset? At the start of a new day. And when's the start of a new day? Wake up time, of course!
integer wakeToday = realWakeTime(llList2Integer(bedStart,dayOfWeek),llList2Integer(bedEnd,dayOfWeek),0);
if (wakeToday == ERR_GENERIC)
// They didn't specify a wakeup time.. so reset at midnight
wakeToday = todayBase;
if ((lastSeenTime wakeToday) && (unixTime >= wakeToday)) timeSinceReset=0;
integer yesterday = (dayOfWeek - 1);
if (yesterday == ERR_GENERIC) yesterday = 6;
wakeToday = realWakeTime(llList2Integer(bedStart,yesterday),llList2Integer(bedEnd,yesterday),-1);
if ((lastSeenTime wakeToday) && (unixTime >= wakeToday)) timeSinceReset=0;
integer tryBedBoundary(integer sleepTime, integer wakeTime, integer dayAdjust)
if (sleepTime == ERR_GENERIC) return FALSE;
integer rst = realSleepTime(sleepTime,wakeTime,dayAdjust);
integer rwt = realWakeTime(sleepTime,wakeTime,dayAdjust);
return ((unixTime >= rst) && (unixTime rwt));
integer inBedTime()
// Did I mention that bedtimes are a complete pain in the ass to do?
// First try today's bedtime.
integer inBed = tryBedBoundary(llList2Integer(bedStart,dayOfWeek),llList2Integer(bedEnd,dayOfWeek),0);
if (inBed) return TRUE;
integer yesterday = (dayOfWeek - 1);
if (yesterday == ERR_GENERIC) yesterday = 6;
// Now try yesterday's, in case it's actually this morning
inBed = tryBedBoundary(llList2Integer(bedStart,yesterday),llList2Integer(bedEnd,yesterday),-1);
return inBed;
// We assume work is a bit more normal than bed..
integer inWorkTime()
integer workToday = llList2Integer(workStart,dayOfWeek);
if (workToday != ERR_GENERIC)
integer workEndToday = llList2Integer(workEnd,dayOfWeek);
if ((minsSinceDay >= workToday) && (minsSinceDay workEndToday)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
integer parseSingleTime(string time,integer limited)
integer isPM = FALSE;
integer is12hr = FALSE;
if (llGetSubString(time,-2,-1) == "am")
is12hr = TRUE;
time = llGetSubString(time,0,-3);
if (llGetSubString(time,-2,-1) == "pm")
isPM = TRUE;
is12hr = TRUE;
time = llGetSubString(time,0,-3);
integer colon = llSubStringIndex(time,":");
if (colon == ERR_GENERIC)
llOwnerSay("Error: I was expecting '" + time + "' to be a time, but I couldn't find a colon.");
string hourBit = llGetSubString(time,0,colon - 1);
string minuteBit = llGetSubString(time,colon+1,-1);
integer hourInt = (integer)hourBit;
if (hourInt == 0)
if ((hourBit != "0") && (hourBit != "00"))
llOwnerSay("Error: I was expecting '" + time + "' to be a time, but '" + hourBit + "' (which I thought was the hours) doesn't seem to be a number.");
if (hourInt == 24) hourInt = 0;
if (hourInt > 24)
llOwnerSay("Error: In '" + time + "', the hour is greater than 23.");
if ((hourInt > 12) && (is12hr))
llOwnerSay("Error: In '" + time +"', you've specified am or pm after a 24 hour clock time.");
if ((is12hr) && (limited))
llOwnerSay("Error: In '" + time + "', you've specified am or pm on something that's an *amount* of time, not a clock time.");
if (isPM) hourInt += 12;
integer minuteInt = (integer)minuteBit;
if (minuteInt == 0)
if ((minuteBit != "0") && (minuteBit != "00"))
llOwnerSay("Error: I was expecting '" + time + "' to be a time, but '" + minuteBit + "' (which I thought was the minutes) doesn't seem to be a number.");
if (minuteInt > 59)
llOwnerSay("Error: In '" + time + "', the minutes are greater than 59.");
return (hourInt * 60) + (minuteInt);
integer parseTime(string time)
integer dash = llSubStringIndex(time,"-");
if (dash == ERR_GENERIC)
llOwnerSay("Error: I was thinking that '" + time + "' would specify a range of times, but I couldn't find a -.");
string firstTime = llGetSubString(time,0,dash - 1);
string secondTime = llGetSubString(time,dash+1,-1);
updateStartTime = parseSingleTime(firstTime,FALSE);
if (updateStartTime == ERR_GENERIC) return ERR_GENERIC;
updateEndTime = parseSingleTime(secondTime,FALSE);
if (updateEndTime == ERR_GENERIC) return ERR_GENERIC;
return TRUE;
unixTime = llGetUnixTime(); // Seconds since Jan 1 1970
unixTime += timezoneAdjust * 3600;
secs = unixTime % 60;
mins = (unixTime / 60) % 60;
hours = (unixTime / 3600) % 24;
integer secsSinceDay = (unixTime % 86400);
todayBase = unixTime - secsSinceDay;
minsSinceDay = secsSinceDay / 60;
string dhrs = (string)hours;
if (llStringLength(dhrs) == 1) dhrs = "0"+dhrs;
string dmins = (string)mins;
if (llStringLength(dmins) == 1) dmins = "0"+dmins;
string dsecs = (string)secs;
if (llStringLength(dsecs) == 1) dsecs = "0"+dsecs;
llSetText(dhrs + ":" + dmins + ":" + dsecs,1,1,1>,1.0);
// To save on lag, only do major math every minute.
integer totalDays = (unixTime / 86400);
dayOfWeek = totalDays % 7;
dayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek + 4) % 7;
lastSeenTime = unixTime;
if (!isOpen)
if (inBedTime())
closeReason = 1;
if (inWorkTime())
closeReason = 2;
integer maxTimeToday = llList2Integer(maxtime,dayOfWeek);
if (maxTimeToday != ERR_GENERIC)
if (timeSinceReset >= (llList2Integer(maxtime,dayOfWeek) * 60))
closeReason = 3;
if (closeReason == 1)
if (!inBedTime()) close();
if (closeReason == 2)
if (!inWorkTime()) close();
if (closeReason == 3)
if (timeSinceReset llList2Integer(maxtime,dayOfWeek) * 60)) close();
llOwnerSay("Loading notecard.");
bedStart = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1];
bedEnd = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1];
workStart = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1];
workEnd = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1];
maxtime = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1];
notecardState = 0;
notecardLine = 0;
lastWasSelector = FALSE;
timeSinceReset = 0;
dataserver(key request, string response)
if (notecardState == 0)
notecardSize = (integer)response;
notecardState = 1;
if (llGetSubString(response,0,0) != ";")
string line = llToLower(response);
integer space = llSubStringIndex(response," ");
string command;
if (space != ERR_GENERIC)
command = llGetSubString(line,0,space - 1);
command = line;
if (command=="timezone")
string rest = llGetSubString(line,space+1,-1);
string firstthree = llGetSubString(rest,0,2);
integer adjust = -1;
if (firstthree == "gmt") adjust = 0;
if (firstthree == "pst") adjust = 5;
if (firstthree == "pdt") adjust = 6;
if (firstthree == "slt") adjust = 5;
if (adjust == -1)
llOwnerSay("Error: Couldn't understand timezone string. Must be in the format 'GMT', 'PST', or 'PDT' followed by + or - a number.");
if (llStringLength(rest) != 3)
string radj = llGetSubString(rest,3,-1);
if (llGetSubString(radj,0,0) == "+") radj = llGetSubString(radj,1,-1);
integer iadj = (integer)radj;
if ((iadj == 0) && (radj != "+0") && (radj != "-0"))
llOwnerSay("Error: Couldn't understand timezone string. I was thinking '" + radj +"' would be an adjustment (-0, +2, etc) but it doesn't seem to be a number.");
adjust += iadj;
timezoneAdjust = adjust;
integer daySelect = llListFindList(dayNames,[command]);
if (daySelect != ERR_GENERIC)
if (!lastWasSelector) updateDays = [];
updateDays += [daySelect]; lastWasSelector = TRUE;
if (command == "weekend")
if (!lastWasSelector) updateDays = [];
updateDays += [0,6]; lastWasSelector = TRUE;
if (command == "weekdays")
if (!lastWasSelector) updateDays = [];
updateDays += [1,2,3,4,5]; lastWasSelector = TRUE;
if (command == "weeknights")
if (!lastWasSelector) updateDays = [];
updateDays += [0,1,2,3,4]; lastWasSelector = TRUE;
if (command == "weekendnights")
if (!lastWasSelector) updateDays = [];
updateDays += [5,6]; lastWasSelector = TRUE;
if (command == "always")
if (!lastWasSelector) updateDays = [];
updateDays = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; lastWasSelector = TRUE;
if (command == "bed")
if (updateDays == [])
updateDays = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
string rest = llGetSubString(line,space+1,-1);
integer ok = parseTime(rest);
if (ok == ERR_GENERIC) return;
integer t;
for (t=0; tllGetListLength(updateDays); t++)
bedStart = llListReplaceList(bedStart,[updateStartTime],llList2Integer(updateDays,t),llList2Integer(updateDays,t));
bedEnd = llListReplaceList(bedEnd,[updateEndTime],llList2Integer(updateDays,t),llList2Integer(updateDays,t));
lastWasSelector = FALSE;
if (command == "work")
if (updateDays == [])
updateDays = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
string rest = llGetSubString(line,space+1,-1);
integer ok = parseTime(rest);
if (ok == ERR_GENERIC) return;
integer t;
for (t=0; tllGetListLength(updateDays); t++)
workStart = llListReplaceList(workStart,[updateStartTime],llList2Integer(updateDays,t),llList2Integer(updateDays,t));
workEnd = llListReplaceList(workEnd,[updateEndTime],llList2Integer(updateDays,t),llList2Integer(updateDays,t));
lastWasSelector = FALSE;
if (command == "max")
string rest = llGetSubString(line,space+1,-1);
integer ok = parseSingleTime(rest,TRUE);
if (ok == -1) return;
integer t;
for (t=0; tllGetListLength(updateDays); t++)
maxtime = llListReplaceList(maxtime,[ok],llList2Integer(updateDays,t),llList2Integer(updateDays,t));
lastWasSelector = FALSE;
notecardLine ++;
if (notecardLine notecardSize)
llOwnerSay("Notecard OK.");
listen(integer channel, string name, key speaker, string message)
if (channel == 7)
integer result = parseSingleTime(message,FALSE);
if (result == -1) return;
result -= (timezoneAdjust * 60);
llSay(-192781,"bta" + (string)result);
llOwnerSay("Transmitted time: " + message);
if (llGetSubString(message,0,2) != "bta") return;
integer time = (integer)(llGetSubString(message,3,-1));
time += (timezoneAdjust * 60);
integer timehours = time / 60;
integer timemins = time % 60;
string dmins= (string)timemins;
if (timemins 10) dmins = "0" + dmins;
string oldName = llGetObjectName();
llOwnerSay((string)timehours + ":" + (string)timemins);
changed(integer thechange)
if (!(thechange & CHANGED_INVENTORY)) return;
llOwnerSay("Notecard changed, re-reading it.");
This in the first link prim:
PHP Code:
link_message(integer sender, integer int, string str, key id)
if (int == 1) llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION, 0.02410, 0.00640, 0.22760> ,PRIM_SIZE,0.01000, 0.67290, 0.11141>]);
if (int == 0) llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION,0.0,0.0,0.0>, PRIM_SIZE,0.01,0.01,0.01>]);
And this in the second:
PHP Code:
list textures = ["b2611ad2-3b42-1896-5315-afa074ca70a9","320111b3-c083-f0e5-5503-932b963e4f9d","20d5b6e2-764f-3243-6c8e-c2cb1fd590dd","4ef07f25-d4df-2490-6277-3e942f3967df"];
link_message(integer sender, integer int, string str, key id)
if (int == 1)
llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION,0.02410, 0.00640, -0.01820>,PRIM_SIZE,0.01000, 0.67290, 0.11141>]);
integer quote = (integer)llFrand(3.99);
if (int == 0) llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION,0.0,0.0,0.0>, PRIM_SIZE,0.01,0.01,0.01>]);
Download from Source link
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